In Tribute to Dr. C. Everett Koop (Oct.14, 1916 – Feb. 25, 2013)

Dr. C. Everett  Koop

Dr. C. Everett Koop

I remember this story from my days as a rabbi in Philadelphia when Dr. Koop was chief of surgery at Children’s Hospital.  This story introduced me to the man who was to later become the Surgeon General. He impressed me so much with his sensitivity and professionalism.  All the eulogies I have read today reinforce that feeling, and there is much more information on Wikipedia ( 

What follows, however, is what I will remember.    

(Click on the headline below to read the story which originally appeared in the Philadelphia Inquirer)

Siamese Twins
The Surgery: An Agonizing Choice – Parents, Doctors, Rabbis In Dilemma

About Sidney Slivko

There are so many things I enjoy doing -- teaching, reading, editing, art, networking, computers -- and thank God, I am able to integrate all of them. I am one of the original Jewish Studies teachers to use computer technology and multi-media in Jewish education (Mishna-mation, Hypertext Talmud, Guided Social Simulations & gaming for learning Jewish values, media and drama). I got into this because that's where the students were, and I was fortunate to have principals and school heads that believed in me and allowed me to use my creativity to reach them. Since coming to Israel in 1997 as a fellow in the Melton Senior Educators' Program, I have been expanding my apps and my reach, and still continue to look for new and creative ways to use the media.
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